Most likely safety factor ( mean safety factor) was calculated with average value of parameters, and reliability of slope was calculated with variability of safety factor. 取影响参数的平均值,计算得到最大可能安全系数(中值安全系数)。
On analyzing the traditional factor of transferring cost, the model introduced the variability of advertisement investment to loose the presumption of fixed transferring cost. 在分析转换成本这一传统因素时,通过引入广告投入将转换成本内生化,放松了以往固定转换成本的假设。
Fetching average value of influence factor and calculating, traditional safety factor ( median-value safety factor) will be obtained, at same time, reliability of safety factor will be obtained by calculating variability of safety factor. 取影响因素的平均值,计算得到传统的安全系数(中值安全系数),同时由安全系数的变异性,求出安全系数的可靠性。
It is suggested that the double indexes of safety factor and probability index or failure probability should be used by calculating the coefficient of variability of safety factor in the analysis of slope stability. 同时对土坡稳定性分析建议采用通过计算安全系数变异系数,综合计算安全系数和可靠度指标或破坏概率的双指标原则。